Survey Identifier: NAV5089

Format Acronym: ARO88
Data Center File Number: 0550-064
Parameters Surveyed Code: FXD
File Creation Date (yyyymmdd): 19940506
Source Institution: US Naval Oceanographic Office
Platform Name: RP-3D ORION
Platform Type Code: 3
Platform Type: PLANE
Chief Scientists: Virgil R. Bettencourt
Project: Project Magnet: Project C32-051: Flight 5089 ~ 3,883 Nautical Miles
Survey Departure Date (yyyymmdd): 19891121
Survey Arrival Date (yyyymmdd): 19891121
Flight Line Spacings: Single Flight Line, Variable Directions
Magnetometers Used: Vector and Scalar Magnetometers
Aircraft Altitude: 25,000 FT AG
Aircraft Velocity: 240 Knots
Sampling Rate: 2
Sensor Tow Distance: STINGER
Total Observations: 19286
Magnetic Sensitivity: 0.1 nT
Topmost Latitude of Survey: -31
Bottommost Latitude: -43
Leftmost Longitude: +077
Rightmost Longitude: +117
Archive NGDC Tape Letter: W
Additional Documentation: To remove high frequency noise, a low pass filter has been applied to all the, flight line data above 15,000 feet. Data at the beginning and end of a flight, are noisy because the aircraft is maneuvering during it's climb or descent to, or from survey altitude which is approximately 25,000 feet. Data below 15,000, feet or climb and descent data are not smoothed.
Number of Data Records: 19286
Datafile Header Info: PJCT=C32-051 FLGT= 5089 ,MTH= 11,DAY= 21, YR=1989,JDY= 325 -TO- 325,RCD= 19288,NAV=ESG ,CMP=ESG

Min/Max Data Record:
Longitude: 77.9088
Latitude: -42.0148
Mag Total Intensity Calc nT: 49978
Time Gmt Sec: 40245.4180
Mag East Component Obs nT: 13144
Mag North Component Obs nT: -12266
Mag Horizontal Intensity Calc nT: 17047
Mag Vertical Intensity Obs nT: -56339
Mag Declination Calc Deg: -41.8164
Mag Inclination Calc Deg: -72.7369
Mag Total Intensity Obs nT: 49838
Alt Barometric Ft: 800

Min/Max Data Record:
Longitude: 116.0026
Latitude: -31.8794
Mag Total Intensity Calc nT: 59509
Time Gmt Sec: 79498.7754
Mag East Component Obs nT: 23203
Mag North Component Obs nT: -1114
Mag Horizontal Intensity Calc nT: 23240
Mag Vertical Intensity Obs nT: -46466
Mag Declination Calc Deg: -2.7547
Mag Inclination Calc Deg: -66.6643
Mag Total Intensity Obs nT: 59498
Alt Barometric Ft: 29900