Survey Identifier: F1188HW

Format Acronym: MGD77
Data Center File Number: 06780041
Parameters Surveyed Code: 50500
File Creation Date (yyyymmdd): 19910206
Source Institution: USGS Branch of Pacific Marine Geology
Country: United States
Platform Name: FARNELLA
Platform Type Code: 1
Platform Type: SHIP
Chief Scientist(s): Dave Clague
Project: Steve Wessels sampling dafe Leda Beth Reg Dafe
Survey Departure Date (yyyymmdd): 19881025
Port of Departure: CAST OFF LINES
Survey Arrival Date (yyyymmdd): 19881107
Navigation Instrumentation: LORAN C GPS SATELLITE LORAN C RHORHO
Bathymetry Instrumentation: 10 KHZ BATHY 12 KHZ BATHY 3.5 KHZ BATHY
Topmost Latitude of Survey: +25
Bottommost Latitude: +21
Leftmost Longitude: -160
Rightmost Longitude: -156
General Digitizing Rate of Bathymetry: 015
General Digitizing Rate of Gravity: 010
Number of Data Records: 17894

Min/Max Data Record:
Date: 1988 10 25
Latitude: +21.21788
Longitude: -159.12527
Bathymetry, 2- Way Traveltime: 025359
Bathymetry, Corrected Depth: 1891.0
Observed Gravity: 9786504
Free-Air Anomaly: -0579

Min/Max Data Record:
Date: 1988 11 07
Latitude: +24.86771
Longitude: -156.53343
Bathymetry, 2- Way Traveltime: 067943
Bathymetry, Corrected Depth: 5117.0
Observed Gravity: 9790083
Free-Air Anomaly: +2327