Survey Identifier: C2708

Format Acronym: MGD77
Data Center File Number: 01010268
Parameters Surveyed Code: 55513
File Creation Date (yyyymmdd): 19900322
Source Institution: Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
Country: United States
Platform Name: R/V CONRAD
Platform Type Code: 1
Platform Type: SHIP
Chief Scientist(s): Dr. J. Weissel
Project: c2706
Survey Departure Date (yyyymmdd): 19860830
Port of Departure: Fremantle, Australia
Survey Arrival Date (yyyymmdd): 19860928
Port of Arrival: Port Louis, Mauritius
Topmost Latitude of Survey: -20
Bottommost Latitude: -33
Leftmost Longitude: +057
Rightmost Longitude: +116
General Digitizing Rate of Bathymetry: 053
General Digitizing Rate of Magnetics: 034
General Digitizing Rate of Gravity: 011
Number of Data Records: 40409

Min/Max Data Record:
Date: 1986 08 30
Latitude: -32.65161
Longitude: +57.20847
Bathymetry, 2- Way Traveltime: 000481
Bathymetry, Corrected Depth: 36.0
Magnetics Total Field, 1st Sensor: 383400
Magnetics Residual Field: -08796
Observed Gravity: 9786835
Free-Air Anomaly: -1323

Min/Max Data Record:
Date: 1986 09 28
Latitude: -20.13245
Longitude: +115.74732
Bathymetry, 2- Way Traveltime: 078533
Bathymetry, Corrected Depth: 5938.0
Magnetics Total Field, 1st Sensor: 588790
Magnetics Residual Field: +15098
Observed Gravity: 9796733
Free-Air Anomaly: +1171